Sicong Zang

School of Computer Science and Technology
Donghua University
Shanghai, China, 201620

Office: Room 253, Academic Building #1, Songjiang Campus


I am a lecturer at School of Computer Science and Technology, Donghua University (DHU). I obtained my Ph.D. majoring in computer science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Lei Xu (IEEE Fellow) and Assoc. Prof. Shikui Tu, and my B.Sc. and M.Eng. from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) in 2014 and 2017, respectively.

Research Interests

My research interests include machine learning and artificial intelligence generated content (AIGC). And currently, I focus on the topics of creative design and synthesis reasoning on sketches, and you can have a brief look about some interesting results below.


Self-organizing sketch patterns in a latent hierarchy


Sketch analogy by capturing latent operators


Sketch healing by learning graphic sketch representations


*Corresponding author(s)

[8] Tengjie Li, Sicong Zang, Shikui Tu*, Lei Xu*. Lmser-pix2seq: Learning stable sketch representations for sketch healing. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2024, 240: 103931. (CCF-B, SCI) [paper] [code]

[7] Sicong Zang, Shikui Tu*, Lei Xu*. Self-organizing a latent hierarchy of sketch patterns for controllable sketch synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (IEEE TNNLS), DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2023.3279410. (CCF-B, SCI, 中科院一区top) [paper] [code]

[6] Sicong Zang, Shikui Tu*, Lei Xu*. Linking sketch patches by learning synonymous proximity for graphic sketch representation. Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’23), 2023, 37(9): 11096-11103. (CCF-A, Oral) [paper] [code]

[5] 臧思聪, 涂仕奎*, 徐雷*. IA-pix2seq: 一个实现简笔画可控生成的深度双向学习方法. 计算机学报, 2023, 46(03): 540-551. (CCF-T1) [paper] [code]

[4] Sicong Zang, Shikui Tu*, Lei Xu*. Controllable stroke-based sketch synthesis from a self-organized latent space. Neural Networks, 2021, 137: 138-150. (CCF-B, SCI, 中科院一区top) [paper] [code]

[3] Sicong Zang, Dechang Pi*, Xuemin Zhang, Xuhui Shen. Recognizing methods for epicenter-neighboring orbits with ionospheric information from DEMETER satellite data. Advances in Space Research, 2017, 60(5): 980-990. (SCI) [paper]

[2] Sicong Zang, Dechang Pi*, Xuemin Zhang, Xuhui Shen. Seismic classification-based method for recognizing epicenter-neighboring orbits. Advances in Space Research, 2017, 59(7): 1886-1894. (SCI) [paper]

[1] Sicong Zang, Dechang Pi*. Software Reliability Growth Model for Imperfect Debugging Process Considering Testing-Effort and Testing Coverage. Transactions on Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 35(3): 455-463. (EI) [paper]


[2] 科技创新2030 “新一代人工智能”重大项目的课题“双向双域因果计算理论与方法”, 2019.12 – 2022.12, 参与.

[1] 中国地震局合作项目 “高分遥感地震异常信息挖掘技术”,2015.10 - 2017.04,参与.


* Computer Organization and Architecture (计算机组成与结构): (2024 Spring)

* The Curriculum Design of Computer Application (计算机应用课程设计): (2023 Fall).

Last updated on Feb. 27, 2024.